Invited Speaker


Radiation Processing Technology Division's Polymer Processing and Prototype Development Group

Siti Salwa Mohammad Shirajuddin is a researcher, liaison officer, and representative for the Radiation Processing Technology Division's Polymer Processing and Prototype Development Group, with 10 years of experience in the field of polymer processing using nuclear technology. Throughout her career, she has managed and worked on numerous research projects, as well as served as a communication officer for projects involving industries, communities, universities, and other agencies. Her and her team have successfully secured over ten projects totaling over ten million dollars in research grants.   

Currently she is leading two research projects that involve industries, Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran, Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, and communities and are worth up to 4.5 million ringgit. She was also involved with the International Atomic Energy Agency's technical corporation for Managing Radiation Processing of Waste Polymeric Materials and had the opportunity to participate in fellowship training through this program.